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Eight startups from Finland, France and Japan selected to Jyväskylä Business Rally Investor Day 2024

Eight startups from Finland, France and Japan selected to Jyväskylä Business Rally Investor Day 2024

Jyväskylä Business Rally Investor Day with European Business Angels Network EBAN and Central Finland Mobility Foundation Cefmof organised 1st of August 2024 brings together start-ups and international and Finnish investors. Eight curated start-ups have been selected for the Investor Day by the Jury consisting of experienced angel investors from EBAN and FiBAN as well as partnering Central Finland Mobility Foundation.  

During the Jyväskylä Business Rally Investor Day growth companies will pitch their business ideas to domestic and international investors. Eight companies have been selected to take the stage this year: 

  • Aizily, Mougins France 
  • Cityspotting, Jyväskylä Finland 
  • Firstbeat Technologies, Jyväskylä Finland 
  • Green Carbon, Jyväskylä Finland 
  • Remoted, Tampere Finland 
  • Soletair Power, Lappeenranta Finland 
  • Tespack, Espoo Finland 
  • xCura, Fukuoka Japan 
 The companies for Investor Day were selected through applications and pre-screening process.

 - Eight investment-ready companies from Finland, France and Japan capital seeking in total is minimum of over 10 Meur in investments. They have great potential to involve investors from around Europe to rocket their growth. Many of the companies are focusing on sustainability and smart technology, says Nina Rautiainen, Program Manager of Business Rally Investor Day.  

In addition to companies seeking expansion or scalability, Investor Day will feature interesting keynotes. Keynote speakers this year are Haruka Arai Executive Director from Cefmof; Matti Malkamäki Founder from Hycamite, as well as Suvi Collin Head of Legal and SDG from Finnish Venture Capital Association. Topics are related to sustainability, hydrogen and investing in new technology.  

Media is welcome to the Business Rally Investor Day, but we kindly ask you to contact Nina Rautiainen for attendance.  

The Investor Day is organized in collaboration with EBAN (European Business Angels Network) and Cefmof (Central Finland Mobility Foundation), FiBAN (Finnish Business Angels Network), and Startup Factory Jyväskylä. The first Jyväskylä Business Rally event was held in 2015. 

More information:  

Nina Rautiainen, Program Manager City of Jyväskylä, nina.rautiainen@jyvaskyla.fi  

Read more from the Business Rally Investor Day website.

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