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City Centre

The number one meeting place!

The city centre of Jyväskylä is a bustling meeting place, a hub for commerce and services, and a significant area for employment and residence. Its development is a key part of strengthening the city's vitality. The downtown area offers a diverse range of culture, services, and events, and the city's goal is to improve the accessibility, safety, and comfort of the city centre.


Full Score Downtown

In the coming years, ten major public projects will be implemented in the city centre, strengthening a vibrant, attractive, and functional urban space. These projects include the construction of a new Market Square and local transport terminal, as well as the development of the Lyseo cultural quarter.

In addition to these public investments, efforts will be made to develop an even better business environment. Practical examples of this include the location services offered to businesses and the promotion of cooperation among retail sector operators. The development of the city centre will also be actively monitored, and analytical data will be produced to support decision-making.

Kolme ihmistä istumassa kahvilan terassilla.

Collaborating towards a vibrant city centre

The Full score downtown projects and initiatives are being carried out in close cooperation with businesses and residents. The goal is for the city's public investments to also create space for new private projects that support the long-term vitality of the city centre. The development of Jyväskylä's city centre is a joint project that provides residents with even better opportunities to enjoy a lively and evolving urban centre.

Kaksi miestä seisomassa Harjun portailla.

Upcoming construction projects and schedule:

  1. Construction of the new market square, 2026-2027

  2. Renovation of the local transport center, 2024-2025

  3. Renovation of the City Theatre, 2024-2026

  4. Construction of the P-Parade car park and renovation of the Church Park, 2022-2025
  5. Renovation of the pedestrian street, 2027-2030
  6. Planning of a cultural center in the Lyseo block, 2026-2028
  7. Renovation of the Harju Stadium, 2024-2026
  8. Development of the Hippos sports area
  9. Restoration of the River Tourujoki, 2024-2027
  10. Development of the harbour and railway yard bridge blocks, 2028-

Development themes for The Full Score Downtown business environment

  1. Lyseo Cultural/Educational/Media Quarter – The Focal Point of New Growth
    Develop a new cluster of private and public actors in the historic Lyseo quarter.

  2. Peltirumpu – Creative Economy Hub (Good Cities Project) Repurpose and transfer the ownership of the current central library building to a business-based model.

  3. Kompassi Shopping Center – New Common Brand and Operating Model Strengthen the cooperation of downtown shopping centers to improve accessibility and attractiveness.

  4. Business Location, Growth, and Employer Services Support the location, growth, and workforce needs of businesses in the city centre.

  5. Jyväskylä Heart Association – Strengthening Shops, Restaurants, and Other Consumer Service Businesses Enhance the joint marketing of downtown businesses and the attractiveness of the city centre from a customer-oriented perspective.

  6. Event City Jyväskylä – Promoting Downtown Eventfulness Improve the operational conditions of the city centre as a venue for events.

  7. Improving the Comfort and Safety of Street Spaces Enhance the usability and attractiveness of public spaces in the city centre.

  8. Development Monitoring – Reporting and Producing Analytical Data Continuously monitor the development of the city centre and produce analytical data to support decision-making.

  9. Full Score Downtown – Concept Coordination Create a long-term development project for the Full score downtown communication concept.

  10. City Centre Vision 2040 – Development Themes, Attraction Factors, and Goals Formulate a long-term target description shared by city centre stakeholders.

Flow Analysis

Kauppakatu in Jyväskylä is one of the busiest pedestrian streets in Finland. There is continuous light traffic flow counting in the Kompassi intersection area between Kauppakatu and Asemakatu.

The counting examines traffic trends over time by weekdays and seasons, how events or exceptional days affect traffic volume, how traffic is distributed among the different branches of the intersection, and how traffic volume develops.

A quarterly report is produced from the counting results, which can be ordered by email if desired.

A man and a woman are walking in the street with bikes.

City Centre in numbers

16 000

15 700

Business enterprises



Cafes and restaurants


Parking spaces in parking garages


Companies in business register


Students at the central campuses
23 500


The number of visitors to museums, the main library and the theater each year
700 000


Annual number of pedestrians on the pedestrian street
5 000 000



Are you interested in City Centre development?

Contact us to hear more! 

Janne Viitamies

Janne Viitamies
Project Manager
p. 050 477 1511

Pirkko Flinkman

Pirkko Flinkman
Project Manager
p. 050 568 7846