Jyväskylä city centre – aiming to develop an area that in the future, will be unequivocally considered a perfect ten for its ambiance and amenities.
At the heart of Jyväskylä's thriving city, lies a dynamic city centre that is undergoing a major transformation. The city is committed to reviving its centre through the ‘Full Score Downtown’ initiative, which consists of ten major projects.
The aim is to create a centre that radiates vitality and vibrancy, ensures safety, promotes accessibility, and offers a warm welcome. It is also intended to be the bustling heart of the city and friendly community hub. This development is a collaborative effort involving both businesses and citizens, as it is the people who create the atmosphere around them.
The development of Jyväskylä's city centre stems from the ‘Vibrant City Centre’ programme, which aims to improve the functionality of the area. The programme consists of around 50 proposals and development ideas, aimed at promoting the vitality of the centre. At the heart of the ‘Full Score Downtown’ initiative, the ‘Vibrant City Centre’ program serves as a guideline that brings together measures to improve the functionality and vibrancy of the city's core centre.
In particular, the city will focus on revitalising the central business district, which is the hub of commerce, services, and urban life. The aim is for public development initiatives in the city centre to boost private investment and give the whole district a new lease of life.