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Business Services

Ihmiset keskustelevat pöydän ääressä

Business Services offers a wide range of advisory, internationalisation and business expansion services to local companies. We help and encourage your business forwards. We offer support in utilising the City of Jyväskylä’s services, such as matters related to zoning, permits and business plots.

We help you find the right path and guide you to suitable services in our partner network. We also operate as part of a large network.

Starting a business

Are you considering starting your own business? Great! Read more about starting a business and take advantage of the various free business advisory services offered by the City of Jyväskylä and others. In Jyväskylä, the Keski-Suomen Yritysidea service will help you to get started.

Start-up grant

The start-up grant is discretionary financial support provided by the government to a new, full-time entrepreneur. The start-up grant is personal, taxable income paid to the entrepreneur for their living expenses. Note that the start-up grant is not awarded to those already in a full-time entrepreneurial position. If you want to apply for a start-up grant do not register your business before receiving a positive start-up grant decision.


Business consulting

Business consulting provides free advice and sparring at different stages of the company’s development.

The business advisory services include business clinics that offer support to companies in Jyväskylä on various themes. The goal is to assist SMEs with challenges in areas such as marketing, digitalization, and securing funding. 

Ihmiset keskustelevat toimistossa


We can help in finding different financing options for different phases of a company’s lifecycle. In cooperation with you, we look for suitable funding partners from among public and private funding providers.
Hero-Kasvu ja rekrytointi-Rahoitus


Internationalisation requires preparation and knowledge of the target market. You will receive practical support for the internationalisation of your company and the launching of export operations.


Research and development services

In the Central Finland region, a wide range of research, development, and innovation services are available. These services can be utilized, for example, for product and material testing, measurements and piloting, service or product development, as well as validation.

Growth and incubation services

For sustainable and responsible growth, there are sparring services and concrete programmes both for the early stages of the company and for the phase of more rapid growth. In our partner network, you will find the right experts and growth programmes to support your company. 


There are many different permits for business activities, which are granted by different authorities in addition to the city.

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