Change security for the employer
If you need to dismiss employees for production-related and financial reasons, familiarise yourself with change security. Change security helps both the employer and the employee who is to be dismissed. The change security service offered by the City of Jyväskylä is intended for companies in Jyväskylä and Muurame.
The objective of change security is to help the dismissed employee and make the change situation easier for you as an employer.
As an employer, you are subject to a statutory obligation to negotiate if you regularly employ at least 20 employees, and your organisation is about to experience
- changes in at least one employee's work tasks, working methods or arrangements for working facilities or working hours,
- actions that may lead to laying off or dismissing one or more employees or changing their full-time work into part-time work on economic or production-related grounds,
- a decision on lay-offs, or
- a transfer of business.
Submit information about the change situation, i.e., the negotiation proposal, in writing to Jyväskylä Business Services no later than the start of the cooperation negotiations.
You can send the notification by email to muutosturva@jyvaskyla.fi.
Send the notification via the SecMail secure messaging service. You can find the link to SecMail’s secure messaging service and instructions for its use on the Suomi.fi website.
Upon the conclusion of the change negotiations and if they result in the termination of at least 10 employees, the employer must report the details of the terminated employees using this form via secure email to muutosturva@jyvaskyla.fi or by mail to the following address: City of Jyväskylä, Business Services, Hannikaisenkatu 17, 40100 Jyväskylä.
The change security operating model includes
- enhanced communication,
- preparation of an action plan to promote employment together with personnel,
- preparation of an employment plan in Employment Services for a dismissed person,
- paid leave for dismissed employees to look for a new job,
- arranging training or participating in the costs of studies organised by other parties so that the dismissed person may acquire training during the period of notice or in the early stages of unemployment, and
- providing occupational health care to the dismissed person for six months from the end of the obligation to work.
Change security includes obligations that apply to you as an employer. The obligations depend on the number of your subordinates and the number of people you are about to dismiss.
After the termination of employment, the employer is also subject to the statutory re-employment obligation. Inquiries related to fulfilling the re-employment obligation can be made via secure email or by mail with sufficient information to the addresses mentioned above.
Employer's obligations
Extended Change Security is intended for employees aged 55 and over. The purpose of the service is to promote the rapid employment of these employees and improve their position in the labor market.
The employer has an obligation under the Employment Contracts Act to inform the employee of their right to change security for those aged 55 and over. This obligation applies to all employers. The employer’s other obligations in the event of a change remain unchanged.
An employee is entitled to change security for those aged 55 and over if:
- They have turned 55 by the date of termination at the latest
- Their employment contract has been terminated for production-related or financial reasons on or after January 1, 2023
- They have been employed by the same employer for at least five years with interruptions of no more than 30 days
- They have registered as a job seeker with the city’s employment services within 60 days of termination
Change security for those aged 55 and over includes:
- Change security allowance
- Change security training
- Employment leave, which is 5, 15, or 25 days long
The change security allowance corresponds to the employee’s average one-month salary. The change security allowance is paid by the unemployment benefit payer, i.e., the unemployment fund or Kela. The dismissed employee applies for the change security allowance from their own unemployment fund or Kela within three months of the end of the employment relationship.
The value of the change security training corresponds to approximately two months’ salary. Participation in the training is voluntary. The dismissed employee agrees on the training with the city’s employment services. The training must promote rapid employment and the employee’s professional or entrepreneurial skills.
If you intend to dismiss at least ten employees, you must prepare an action plan to promote employment together with your personnel. This must be prepared when the cooperation procedure begins.
The action plan must indicate:
- The planned schedule for the change negotiations
- The procedures to be followed in the change negotiations
- The principles of operation to be followed during the notice period when using the employment services provided by the employment authority, i.e., the City of Jyväskylä
- The principles of operation that promote employees’ job search and training
Notify the City of Jyväskylä about the termination of the dismissed employees’ employment. Provide the number of dismissed employees, their professions, job duties, and the dates of termination. Inform the employees that they have the right to an employment plan.
You can submit a notification using the form ‘Employer's notification’. Use Suomi.fi e-Identification to log in to the Job Market Finland E-service, select ‘Contacts and documents’ on the front page and send the completed form.
If there are fewer than ten employees being dismissed, you must explain in the change negotiations how your employees can seek other employment, training, or the employment services offered by the city during their notice period.
If you regularly employ at least 30 employees, you must offer those dismissed the opportunity to participate in coaching or training that promotes employment. This applies to employees who have been employed by you continuously for at least five years. You can offer the possibility either during the period of notice or in the early stages of unemployment.
You must pay for the coaching or training you offer. You can also agree with the employee that you will pay for the training or coaching that they themselves acquire.
The principles governing the organisation of training or coaching are recorded in the work community development plan, which must be updated after the change negotiations.
If you fail to comply with the obligation to provide coaching or training, you must pay your employee a sum equivalent to the value of the coaching or training.
If you regularly employ at least 30 employees and the dismissed employee's employment has lasted for at least five years, as an employer, you are obliged to arrange occupational health care for six months as of the termination of the obligation to work. For this period, you will receive compensation under the Health Insurance Act.
Contact us!
You can reach Business and Employer Services at +358 14 569 1332 on weekdays from 9 AM to 4.15 PM. You can also leave your contact information, and we will get in touch with you soon.
Notify about the change negotiations in writing by email to: muutosturva@jyvaskyla.fi.
Send the notification via the SecMail secure messaging service. You can find the link to SecMail’s secure messaging service and instructions for its use on the Suomi.fi website.
Vilja Paavola
+358 40 755 2751
Postal address for Business Services:
City of Jyväskylä
Business Services
Hannikaisenkatu 17
40100 Jyväskylä