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Jyväskylä in numbers

Jyväskylä is the capital city of Central Finland and one of Finland's growth centers in terms of businesses, employment, and population. The population growth of Jyväskylä continued strong in 2023, reaching a population of 147,821 by the end of the year. During 2023, the population increased by 1,934 people (1.3%). The relative growth was the seventh largest among major cities. Over the past four years, the population of Jyväskylä has grown by approximately 5,500 residents. This website provides diverse statistical information about Jyväskylä in numbers.

Key figures of Jyväskylä


Population statistics and projections

The preliminary population data is updated once a month based on the preliminary population figures from Statistics Finland. The report provides information on population size, population structure, births, deaths, inter-municipal migration, and immigration. Reports containing information on population development, age structure, foreign nationals, and population by language group are updated once a year. Additionally, annually updated data on migration, households, population living in dwellings, and families is available. The information in the reports is based on data from Statistics Finland.

The City of Jyväskylä has its own population projection for the years 2025, 2030, and 2035. The city's population estimate is based on the population projection from Statistics Finland. The population estimate generally follows the Statistics Finland projection but is more ambitious in terms of overall population growth.

Population statistics


Accessibility of statistical reports

The Power BI reports of the City of Jyväskylä, unfortunately, do not fully comply with accessibility requirements due to technical reasons. If you need information from a specific Power BI report in an accessible format, please contact us via email at tietojohtaminen[at]jyvaskyla.fi.

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