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Innovation ecosystems and value networks

In a continuously changing world, the success and competitiveness of companies require anticipation as well as resilience and the ability to innovate. Above all, we need new ways of responding to global challenges. The aim of Business Development Service’s ecosystem and value networking work is to bring together companies, organisations and educational and research institutions in the region, which together generate new expertise, innovations and business and increase the international competitiveness of Finland as a whole.


Innovation ecosystems

The ecosystem work is carried out in cooperation and leads to research and business cooperation, bold experiments, strengthening of knowledge and competence, new business and funding opportunities, new jobs and new global opportunities, for example. 

City of Jyväskylä Business Development Services orchestrates innovation ecosystem work in the key sectors of sports, health promotion and well-being and industry renewal. The purpose of ecosystems is to connect the right actors, open up new opportunities and markets, and obtain funding for the promotion and implementation of ideas arising from ecosystems.

The ecosystem work combines research knowledge and expertise, practical solutions and networks from local level up to global connections. The main objective of innovation ecosystem work is to support the renewal and growth of companies through research, development and innovation activities. 

Together we are more. Ecosystems are always networks of several actors, and by strengthening and building them closely together with the actors in the region, we can create growth opportunities for the region and the entire Finnish economy. 

Value networks

City of Jyväskylä Business Development Services gathers value networks in innovation ecosystems, where new overall offerings are built together with actors for the global market or for large corporate customers, for example. We organise and facilitate this value networking work and related meetings and events.

In value networking, we bring together actors (companies, public organisations, experts, researchers) in joint workshops. The pooling of knowledge in workshops creates a value network that helps identify the factors that enable SMEs to grow their business internationally.

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Contact us!

Suggest a new value network or inquire about the possibilities of ecosystem work!

Nina Rautiainen

Nina Rautiainen

project manager, innovation ecosystem and growth business
050 413 7028