OECD examines the state of the circular economy in Jyväskylä

Jyväskylä has been selected to participate in an OECD case study analysing the current state of the circular economy in the region and providing recommendations to accelerate the transition to a circular economy in the region.
OECD representatives will be in Jyväskylä on 10-12 September 2024 to interview around 55 managers and experts from companies, organisations, and public institutions in the region. The circular economy will be examined through different lenses: nature, built environment, land use, waste, material cycles, energy, water, water supply, business, industrial change and innovation, and transport.
In addition to interviews, the study will collect comprehensive data and conduct a background investigation. The report will be published in spring 2025. In Finland, the Ministry of the Environment is also participating in the study. A similar study will also be carried out with OECD support in Zuid Holland in the Netherlands, Strasbourg in France, Morne and Romsdal in Norway, Berlin in Germany, Comunitat Valenciana in Spain, Matosinho in Portugal, Central Macedonia in Greece, Sofia in Bulgaria and Western Ireland.
The results of the report will be used to boost the circular economy
The report provides insights into Jyväskylä's circular economy, its management and promotion compared to peer cities in Europe. It also makes recommendations for promoting the circular economy in the region.
- The OECD can provide valuable information and insight on how Jyväskylä ranks in international comparisons of the circular economy. Based on this understanding, the City of Jyväskylä will be able to plan its activities and measures as efficiently as possible, says Timo Harju, Programme Manager of the City of Jyväskylä's Economic Services.Supports resource efficiency work
The City of Jyväskylä is committed to comprehensive resource efficiency in its operations.
- The report provides up-to-date information and expert insight on the state of the circular economy in Jyväskylä and supports the city's resource efficiency work. Updating the Resource Wise Jyväskylä 2040 programme for the new council term will start next year and the report gives us a basis for preparation, says Päivi Pietarinen, Environment Director of the City of Jyväskylä.
The OECD study is part of the European Commission's Circular Cities & Regions Initiative (CCRI) project, which aims to analyse and compare the development of the circular economy in European cities and regions. The OECD is one of the world's largest sources of comparative socio-economic data and analysis.
More information
Outi Manninen, Environmental Specialist, City of Jyväskylä, tel +358 40 565 3066, outi.manninen@jyvaskyla.fi
Timi Tiira, Project Manager, City of Jyväskylä, tel. +358 40 553 6697, timi.tiira@jyvaskyla.fi