Jyväskylä Business Rally
Investor Day

For Startups

Investor Day for Startups

Jyväskylä Business Rally Investor Day features 8 curated companies raising either seed funding or series A rounds who will be presenting their business cases for investment. All the companies will be pre-screened and selected by the Investor Day Jury. Members of the jury are representing European and Finnish Business Angel Board members and Cefmof.

The Jury is looking for investment ready start-ups to pitch at the event that offer solutions for sustainability, carbon neutrality, performance and well-being and have: 

  • innovative business idea that is scalable and can be fitted to more than just one market
  • evidence of customer traction as well as commited and competent team
  • the ability to attract the attention of angel investors (you may bring current investor to the pitching event along with the start up team)
  • clear ask for investors to join in and why this opportunity can’t be missed
Investor Day winner will be evaluated on the basis of the presentation quality/personal impact, clear vision, market position, financial projections and business planning, investment approach and management team.

3 ways for companies to apply for the Investor Day 2024:

1.  Direct application for the Business Rally Investor Day via Dealum for all companies around the world. Application period is open until 1st of June, apply via Dealum!

2. Business Rally Shakedown in May at the Startup Factory - pre-screening for Jyväskylä-based companies. Two companies will be selected from the Shakedown. More information from marko@yritystehdas.fi 

3. International Venture Academy is an investor programme for growth ventures. Two startups will be selected from IVA programme to pitch at the Investor Day. More information from nina.rautiainen@jyvaskyla.fi 

Winner of the Jyväskylä Business Rally Investor Day receive

  • Pitching slot at the European Angel Investment Summit (EAIS) on either 15th or 16th of October 2024 in Brussels. 
  • Ticket to attend the EAIS for the founders and their angel/VC investors; granting full access to all parts of the program.
  • Access to networking app and one to one meetings to connect with investors.
  • Winner will be announced by the end of the Investor Day 1st of August.

Event partner Cefmof offers one nominated start-up the opportunity to join a 2-year incubation program at the Yritystehdas, Startup Factory in Jyväskylä. Read more about the program here.

Selected startups 2024

Investment ready startups pitching at the Business Rally Investor Day 2024 are:

Logo aizily


Problem summary
We focus on enhancing productivity in businesses by reducing the time wasted on searching for information in documents and automating repetitive tasks for employees.

Solution summary
Our platform streamlines document management and automates tasks using AI. It organizes documents efficiently, freeing up time for strategic work. Additionally, we offer customized implementation of AI in business processes. Result? Enhanced productivity, fewer errors for clients.

Investment sought: € 250,000 - 1,000,000


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Problem Summary
Our product and platform solve multiple problems in local tourism, culture, sports, wellbeing and storytelling. These fields have a massive lack in local content, or the content is not scalable. There's also a lack in platforms allowing local businesses to create and sell their expertise.

Solution summary
We have created a concept for productization of "all things local", ie. we have created something called Culture as a Service. Our concept is called Cityspotting, and it's an adventure app for locals. Our platform is called Mapiosa, and it allows all kinds of content producers to share and sell site-specific content, like a Netflix of "Local".



Firstbeat Technologies

Problem summary
Make confident coaching decisions that improve performance and encourage healthier lifestyles by applying our 20+ years of pioneering work on physiological measurements and heart rate variability.

Solution summary
Measure the balance between stress and recovery for better health and improved performance. As a fitness professional, wellness coach, physiotherapist, or occupational health provider, you can benefit from physiological measurements to deliver individualized, fact-based services to your clients



Green Carbon

Problem summary:
We solve companies need to present their actions against climate crisis and biodiversity loss. We calculate carbon emissions, assess biodiversity impacts of projects and offer ISO -standard based carbon offsets.

Solution summary:
We develop information systems based on international databases to evaluate, control, automate accounting and reporting of carbon and biodiversity footprint. Our unique business model serves customers from personal consultation needs to fully automated white label calculation solutions.

Investment sought:  €600,000 - 1,000,000




Problem summary
Current car-based mobility is causing severe challenges. We all know emissions, but there are many others (fatalities, space). Meanwhile, one bus needs 4 drivers and there is a shortage of 105 000 bus drivers in EU. Drivers salaries are 50% of total costs of a bus line. Last, consumers are ready to replace private cars and use automated buses.

Solution summary
In one sentence, future urban mobility is multimodal, electric, shared and automated. REMOTED operates self-driving shuttles and buses as part of public transport or campus mobility. Automated vehicles are controlled from a remote-control centre. Driverless means better margin, since our target is that one person can control 4 buses on the road.

Investment sought: € 750,000 - 1,500,000


soletair power square logo light png 3578px

Soletair Power

Problem Summary
Buildings are responsible for 38% of global CO2 emissions. Property owners are seeking ways to make their buildings net zero since their customers, the tenant companies are looking for low-emission buildings to reduce their net emissions (mostly Scope 3). Real estate decarbonization regulations are also getting stricter day by day.

Solution summary
We leverage buildings’ ventilation systems to capture atmospheric CO2 by retrofitting HVAC with direct air capture technology. Buildings become net-negative carbon sinks when concrete locks the captured CO2 inside. The integration also reduces the ventilation rate without compromising air quality and thus saves more energy and cost.

Investment sought: € 5,000,000 - 20,000,000


Tespack  logo - Black Background


Problem summary
More than 2.85 billion people have no access to the internet. 1.2 billion people lack access to energy, yet constructing a conventional grid is not feasible due to the steep installation costs. Absence of infrastructure. Existing off-grid solutions are inadequate for hard-to-reach areas, unsustainable and expensive.

Solution summary
Our smart mobile micro-grids are made for challenging markets providing access to clean energy and digital education as needed(internet soon). Thanks to our advanced software, deep learning, and proprietary hardware, we bring reliable and green energy infrastructure to remote locations in the most underserved communities.

Investment sought: € 1,000,000 or more




Problem summary
Approximately 70% of individuals suffering from chronic pain do not experience improvement in their pain even after being prescribed medication. We aim to address this type of pain, which cannot be resolved by medication alone, through the use of VR technology.

Solution summary
We use VR-based sedation to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, alleviating chronic pain that cannot be resolved by medication alone. In a pilot study conducted in Japan, there was a report of lower back pain, which had not been cured by medication, being relieved after using VR for two weeks.

Investment sought: € 1,000,000 - 3,000,000






Investor Day partner logos 2024