Business Rally 2024

Welcome to Jyväskylä Business Rally 2024!

Jyväskylä Business Rally is a combination of business and rally events hosted by the City of Jyväskylä and regional partners during the official Secto Rally Finland week in Jyväskylä. The Business Rally itself brings innovative start-up and growth companies face-to-face with corporations, venture capitalists, angel investors and other partners. This year, the overall themes of the events are sustainability, performance and the joy of movement. 

Join us for pitches, inspiring keynotes, rally races, and networking, as well as insights from experienced investors and major industry players!

This page will be updated due course.

Eight startups from Finland, France and Japan selected to Jyväskylä Business Rally Investor Day 2024 20.06.2024

Eight startups from Finland, France and Japan selected to Jyväskylä Business Rally Investor Day 2024

Jyväskylä Business Rally Investor Day with EBAN and Cefmof organised 1st of August 2024 brings together start-ups and international and Finnish investors.

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Call for start-ups: Apply for Business Rally Investor Day! 18.04.2024

Call for start-ups: Apply for Business Rally Investor Day!

Call for start-ups! Business Rally Investor Day's goal is to facilitate meaningful connections between business angel investors and startup companies.

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Cefmof is partnering Jyväskylä Business Rally Investor Day in August 09.04.2024

Cefmof is partnering Jyväskylä Business Rally Investor Day in August

Business Rally Investor Day's goal is to facilitate meaningful connections between business angel investors and startup companies. This year the new partner for the event is Central Finland Mobility Foundation. 

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